Array 1 1-227 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000053.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont154.7, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 1 33 91.7 30 ---................................. CCTCGCCTATCGCATTCTTGATTGAGTGTT 64 36 100.0 30 .................................... CTCAACTCAACTCTTCTATTCTGTCGTTGC 130 36 100.0 30 .................................... TGCTTTGGAAATCTTAGCAAAAATAGAAAG 196 32 88.9 0 ................................---- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 4 36 95.2 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : | # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.62 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.76, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.6, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:55.17%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.5,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 1-159 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000052.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont154.6, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 1 31 86.1 30 -----............................... TATAATAGTGTTGTGAAATTTATAACTAAA 62 36 100.0 30 .................................... CGTTCATTTAGTGTCATTGTCTGCCTCCAA 128 32 88.9 0 ................................---- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 3 36 91.7 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : | # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.26 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.59, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.02, 8:0.4, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:51.85%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.5,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 159-1 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000062.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont242.3, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Reverse Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 158 31 86.1 30 -----............................... TTGCTGTTAGCGGTTACCCTGCCTTGCGCC 97 36 100.0 30 .................................... TTGGGGCACGTAGAGTTTTGTTGCGATTTT 31 31 86.1 0 ...............................----- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 3 36 90.7 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : C # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.21 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.54, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.02, 8:0.4, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: F [9,4] Score: 0.37/0.37 # Reference repeat match prediction: R [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: R [0.37,4.5 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 289-1 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000061.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont242.2, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Reverse Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 288 30 83.3 30 ------.............................. GTCAGGCATTAGCATATCGCCAAAAGGACA 228 36 100.0 30 .................................... TGTCTTCTTCGGTTGCTGGGACAAGGTACA 162 36 100.0 30 .................................... TCTCCTGATTCTCCATCAGATGGATTGGCA 96 36 100.0 30 .................................... AATCCGAGAAGAGATTAGTAAGATTTCTGT 30 30 83.3 0 ..............................------ | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 5 36 93.3 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : C # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.72 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.66, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.8, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: F [9,3] Score: 0.37/0.37 # Reference repeat match prediction: R [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: R [0.37,4.5 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 62-358 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000050.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont154.4, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 62 36 100.0 30 .................................... ATGATAAAAAACGTAGTCGATTTAAAGATT 128 36 100.0 30 .................................... TTACACGAATATCTACAGATGGCGTTTTTA 194 36 100.0 30 .................................... TATCCAGATGGTACGACTGTAGAATTTAGC 260 36 100.0 30 .................................... CGCGCTTTTTTGATATAATCATCTCAAAGG 326 33 91.7 0 .................................--- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 5 36 98.3 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : AGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAACAAGATAAAGAACTAAAAAAAGCTATGAATTG # Right flank : | # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.97 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.91, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.8, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:58.33%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: F [-4.70,-0.20] Score: 0.37/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: F [0-1] Score: 0.41/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: F [66.7-0.0]%AT Score: 0.27/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [5.55,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 1-224 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000033.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont78.5, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 1 33 91.7 30 ---................................. GACTGCGATTGAGATGCTTGTTCTAGCTGT 64 36 100.0 30 .................................... CACAAGGTAGCTTAAAACGTAGGCATTGGT 130 36 100.0 30 .................................... CTATTATCAATTTCCGAGAGCAGATAGCCT 196 29 80.6 0 .............................------- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 4 36 93.1 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : | # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.51 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.65, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.6, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:57.69%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.5,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 1-296 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000035.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont78.7, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 1 32 88.9 30 ----................................ ATCTTATTTGCTAGATTCCATTTACTACCT 63 36 100.0 30 .................................... ATAAGCGATTGAATCGATTCTCTTAATTTA 129 36 100.0 30 .................................... AATACTCGGTTTGCGCGTGGGGAATACATA 195 36 100.0 30 .................................... TGCCGGCCAACTTTACAAATACAGTTAATG 261 36 100.0 0 .................................... | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 5 36 97.8 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : CATAATACATTTTAATCATAGGGCTTGCAAATTTTTCCAATCGTGTTATAATACTTTTTAGAGACATATCACCTACAGGAAATCTTTCAGAGAGCGTGTGGAGCTGGGAATCACGCAGAGGATGTAGCTGGGACTACTCGATTTATTTTTATGCAAACATAAAACGGTGGCTACGTTAGAGCCAATCAGAGGTGTCAACAAACTTTTTTGTTGTACATGAATGAAGGTGGAACCACGTTGCGACGTCCTTTTAGGATTGCCGCTTTTTATTTTGTCGGAAGGAGGAAGAGTTATGCTCTATATGATTGGTGGATCGCCTTGCAGTGGGAAGTCAACAATTGCCTCCCTTCTTACTCAGCAGTATGGGCTGCTTCATATCAAGTTAGATGATTTGACAGACCAGATGATGGATCAAGCAAGAGCGAACGCAAAGCCGATTTCCCTTCTGAGACAGGACAGAAGTCCGGATCAAATCTGGCTGAGACATCCAGAGGAGATGG # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.95 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.89, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.8, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:57.58%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [-0.80,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: F [0-1] Score: 0.41/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.91,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 1-159 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000054.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont154.8, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 1 32 88.9 30 ----................................ TTTACAGGCGGGTGTATTTAGTTATTATAC 63 36 100.0 29 .................................... GTCACATTGGTCGATATTGGCGATTTGAT 128 32 88.9 0 ................................---- | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 3 36 92.6 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : | # Right flank : | # Questionable array : NO Score: 5.30 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:0.63, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.02, 8:0.4, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:53.57%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: NA [0.00,0.00] Score: 0/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: NA [0-0] Score: 0/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [0.0-0.0]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.5,0 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], // Array 1 63-362 **** Predicted by CRISPRDetect 2.4 *** >NZ_AECT01000029.1 Streptococcus anginosus F0211 S_anginosusF0211-1.0_Cont78.1, whole genome shotgun sequence Array_Orientation: Forward Position Repeat %id Spacer Repeat_Sequence Spacer_Sequence Insertion/Deletion ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 63 36 100.0 30 .................................... ATTCCCGTTTCCTAAACCGCTAAATAGTGA 129 36 100.0 30 .................................... AAACGAATTACCACCAATTTCTAGTTTTCT 195 36 100.0 30 .................................... ATTGTGACACCGAAAGCAAATGCCGTCTAT 261 36 100.0 30 .................................... TAGTTAGAAAAGGTTAACGTGTTATTGTTT 327 36 100.0 0 .................................... | ========== ====== ====== ====== ==================================== ============================== ================== 5 36 100.0 30 GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Left flank : TAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAACTGCTTTCCAAAGAGCAAATTGCTCACGATTG # Right flank : TAACAGCTGCAACCATCAAAGAAGATAAGCGTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCC # Questionable array : NO Score: 6.06 # Score Detail : 1:0, 2:3, 3:0, 4:1.00, 5:0, 6:0.25, 7:0.01, 8:0.8, 9:1, # Score Legend : 1: cas, 2: likely_repeat, 3: motif_match, 4: overall_repeat_identity, 5: one_repeat_cluster, 6: exp_repeat_length, 7: exp_spacer_length, 8: spacer_identity, 9: log(total repeats) - log(total mutated repeats), # Primary repeat : GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC # Alternate repeat : NA # Directional analysis summary from each method: # Motif ATTGAAA(N) match prediction: NA Score: 0/4.5 # A,T distribution in repeat prediction: NA [Repeat is AT rich:59.46%AT] # Reference repeat match prediction: F [matched GTTTTAGAGCTGTGCTGTTTCGAATGGTTCCAAAAC with 100% identity] Score: 4.5/4.5 # Secondary Structural analysis prediction: F [-4.70,-0.20] Score: 0.37/0.37 # Array degeneracy analysis prediction: R [1-0] Score: 0.41/0.41 # AT richness analysis in flanks prediction: NA [56.7-58.3]%AT Score: 0/0.27 # Longer leader analysis prediction: NA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final direction: F [4.87,0.41 Confidence: HIGH] # Array family : II-A/C [Matched known repeat from this family], //